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Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Testing and Student Information

The Accountability Services Department works to make education better by promoting the academic achievement of all Catawba County Schools students and assisting parents, students and teachers in comparing that achievement to state and national standards.  The driving force of this mission is three-fold: the successful administration of reliable and valid assessments; uniform implementation and universal access to those assessments; and the provision of accurate and statistically reliable reports. 

Our current accountability standards are designed to improve achievement;  increase the number of students performing at grade level and the corresponding college and career-ready level; and to promote high student and teacher expectations. To get us there, we encourage parents to be involved in and informed about their child’s education.

Testing Calendar & Information

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction designs and manages statewide assessments that are administered to students enrolled in public and charter schools in grades 3–12. These assessments serve several purposes for the schools, the state, and federal guidelines. 

The State Accountability Model





District Contacts

Allen Ramsey

Director of Accountability & Student Information

p. 828.464.8333



Amy Sigmon

Manager, District Data Manager


Mark Norton

Administrative Assistant


Cindy Loudermelk

Lead Data Manager
