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Staff Directory

Staff Directory
faculty and staff of saint stephens high school in gym

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< 1 4 5 6 7 8 13 > showing 46 - 54 of 110 constituents

Brandy Gula

Title: Teacher Assistant
Department: PreK

Mary Hancock

Title: ESL Teacher
Department: English as a Second Language

Amanda Harrington

Title: Math Teacher
Department: Math

Julie Harris

Title: Health Occupations Teacher
Department: Career and Technical Education

Mabelisse Hernandez

Title: ESL Teacher Assistant
Department: English as a Second Language

Stephen Hitchcock

Title: Exceptional Children Teacher
Department: Exceptional Children

Ethan Hoke

Title: Social Studies Teacher
Department: Social Studies

Phillip Holman

Title: Head Custodian
Department: Custodial Services

Leslie Holmes

Title: Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Department: PreK